12 Peristiwa Berdarah Sepakbola Terburuk Dalam 3 Dekade Terakhir

Bentrokan berdarah antar suporter sepakbola yang terjadi di Mesir disebut sebagai yang terburuk di negeri itu. Di negara-negara lain, insiden serupa pernah terjadi, bahkan termasuk yang terburuk sepanjang sejarah sepakbola dunia.

Seperti diberitakan oleh Reuters dan dikutip dari First Post, Kamis (2/2/2012), dalam tiga dekade terakhir, tercatat ada 12 insiden berdarah yang terjadi di stadion sepakbola di sejumlah negara.

Bentrokan yang memakan korban jiwa terbanyak terjadi di Ghana pada tahun 2001 silam. Saat itu dilaporkan sekitar 126 orang tewas dalam kerusuhan. Kemudian juga di Rusia pada tahun 1982 silam. Saat itu kerusuhan antar pendukung menewaskan 66 orang, menurut catatan pemerintah. Namun perhitungan lain menyebutkan, ada sekitar 340 orang yang tewas.

Berikut daftar lengkap 12 peristiwa maut di lapangan sepakbola selama 30 tahun terakhir:

1. Rusia - Oktober 1982
Kerusuhan terjadi usai pertandingan Piala UEFA antara klub Spartak dari Moskow dengan klub HFC Haarlem dari Belanda di Stadion Luzhniki, Moskow. Pendukung kedua tim terlibat bentrok dan korban jiwa pun jatuh. Menurut data otoritas setempat, terdapat 66 korban tewas. Namun perhitungan lain menyebutkan korban tewas mencapai 340 orang.

2. Inggris - Mei 1985
Sedikitnya 56 orang tewas dan lebih dari 200 orang luka-luka akibat kebakaran yang melanda tribun penonton di Bradford. Tidak disebutkan darimana api tersebut berasal.

3. Belgia - Mei 1985
Antrean penonton pertandingan final Piala Eropa antara Juventus dengan Liverpool berubah rusuh akibat begitu banyaknya orang yang berdesak-desakan. Sebanyak 39 orang, yang kebanyakan warga Italia, tewas dalam insiden yang terjadi di Stadion Heysel, Brussels.

4. Nepal - Maret 1988
Ratusan pendukung sepakbola berbondong-bondong keluar dari Stadion Nasional Nepal di Kathmandu akibat angin ribut yang mengganggu jalannya pertandingan. Namun aksi desak-desakan tak terhindarkan sehingga berujung pada tewasnya 90 orang.

5. Inggris - April 1989
Kerusuhan terjadi dalam pertandingan semifinal Piala FA Inggris antara Liverpool dengan Nottingham Forest di Stadion Hillsborough, Sheffield. Para penonton merusak pembatas dan kerusuhan pun terjadi. Insiden yang dinilai terburuk di Inggris ini menewaskan 96 orang dan melukai 200 orang lainnya.

6. Afrika Selatan - Januari 1991
Sedikitnya 42 orang tewas dalam kerusuhan yang terjadi di tengah pertandingan antara tim Kaizer Chiefs dengan Orlando Pirates di kota Orkney. Pendukung tim Kaizer Chiefs menyerang pendukung tim lawan dengan pisau.

7. Prancis - Mei 1992
Insiden berdarah terjadi sebelum pertandingan Piala Prancis antara tim Bastia dengan tim Olympique Marseille dimulai. Tribun penonton di Stadion Furiani, Corsica roboh. Akibatnya, sekitar 18 orang tewas dan sekitar 2.400 lainnya mengalami luka-luka.

8. Guatemala - Oktober 1996
Sekitar 82 orang tewas akibat tribun penonton yang ada di stadion Guatemala City roboh dan orang-orang pun berjatuhan ke bawah. Kursi-kursi penonton terlempar ke berbagai arah. Sedikitnya 147 orang luka-luka dalam insiden yang terjadi pada pertandingan kualifikasi Piala Dunia antara Guatemala dengan Costa Rica.

9. Afrika Selatan - April 2001
Sedikitnya 43 orang tewas dalam kerusuhan yang terjadi saat puluhan orang memaksa masuk ke dalam Stadiun Ellis Park di Johannesburg yang tengah menggelar pertandingan Liga Afrika Selatan.

10. Ghana - Mei 2001
Pendukung sepakbola di Stadion Accra terlibat kerusuhan dan polisi pun menembakkan gas air mata untuk membubarkan mereka. Insiden yang tercatat sebagai yang terburuk di Afrika ini menewaskan 126 orang.

11. Pantai Gading - Maret 2009
Sedikitnya 19 orang tewas dalam kerusuhan yang terjadi di Stadion Felix Houphouet-Boigny, Abidjan. Kerusuhan terjadi saat pertandingan kualifikasi Piala Dunia antara Pantai Gading melawan Malawi.

12. Mesir - Februari 2012
Di akhir pertandingan antara tim lokal Al-Masry dengan tim Al-Ahli di stadion kota Port Said, ribuan pendukung sepakbola terlibat kerusuhan. Sedikitnya dilaporkan 74 orang tewas dan sekitar 1.000 orang terluka dalam insiden ini.



The Egyptian army was being airlifted in by helicopter to rescue stranded players who became trapped in the changing rooms
The Egyptian army was being airlifted in by helicopter to rescue stranded players who became trapped in the changing rooms
Egyptian fans clash with riot police after a shock result in the country's premier league
Egyptian fans clash with riot police after a shock result in the country's premier league
Police struggled to keep order as chaos erupted in the stadium
Police struggled to keep order as chaos erupted in the stadium

Children were seen among the crowds at the stadium of Port Said as violence broke out
Children were seen among the crowds at the stadium of Port Said as violence broke out
Television pictures showed fans swarming over the pitch after a match in the Egyptian city of Port Said
Television pictures showed fans swarming over the pitch after a match in the Egyptian city of Port Said
Hesham Sheiha, Egypt's deputy health minister, said the riot was the 'biggest disaster in Egypt's soccer history'
Hesham Sheiha, Egypt's deputy health minister, said the riot was the 'biggest disaster in Egypt's soccer history'
Most of the victims are believed to have died from suffocation or head injuries, with some cornered in the stadium as parts of it were set on fire
Most of the victims are believed to have died from suffocation or head injuries, with some cornered in the stadium as parts of it were set on fire

Reaction: Egypt's state prosecutor ordered an immediate investigation into the violence, and the Egypt Football Association ordered an indefinite suspension of the annual championship
Reaction: Egypt's state prosecutor ordered an immediate investigation into the violence, and the Egypt Football Association ordered an indefinite suspension of the annual championship
Warring fans flee from a fire in the stadium as dozens were killed and more than 1,000 left injured
Warring fans flee from a fire in the stadium as dozens were killed and more than 1,000 left injured
Flares are thrown in the stadium during clashes that killed dozens and left a 1,000 others injured
Flares are thrown in the stadium during clashes that killed dozens and left a 1,000 others injured
Cameras showed fire breaking out in a stand at the Port Said stadium as fans battled each other on the terraces
Cameras showed fire breaking out in a stand at the Port Said stadium as fans battled each othe
Egyptian police clash with fans after a football match between Al-Ahly and Al-Masry teams in Port Said
Egyptian police clash with fans after a football match between Al-Ahly and Al-Masry teams in Port Said
Violent scenes: Egyptian football fans invade the pitch as fighting between rival supporters breaks out
Violent scenes: Egyptian football fans invade the pitch as fighting between rival supporters breaks out
Ahli players run for their lives as rival fans stream onto the pitch and head towards them
Ahli players run for their lives as rival fans stream onto the pitch and head towards them

Under fire: Riot police guard Al Ahli soccer players as they flee Port Said Stadium
Under fire: Riot police guard Al Ahli soccer players as they flee Port Said Stadium
Al-Ahly players escape from the field as fans of Al-Masry team rush onto the pitch
Al-Ahly players escape from the field as fans of Al-Masry team rush onto the pitch
Fans of Masry team run after players of the Ahly team during the riots
Fans of Masry team run after players of the Ahly team during the riots
Caught on camera: Fans beating a man during the riots that erupted Masry and Ahly fans
Caught on camera: Fans beating a man during the riots that erupted Masry and Ahly fans
The Portugese coach of Ahly, Manuel Jose (second from right) is taken to a secure area for his own protection
The Portugese coach of Ahly, Manuel Jose (second from right) is taken to a secure area for his own protection
Egyptian riot police stand guard in Cairo Stadium during the first half of a match between Zamalek and Ismaili clubs
Egyptian riot police stand guard in Cairo Stadium during the first half of a match between Zamalek and Ismaili clubs
A fan flees from a fire at Cairo stadium as crowds set parts of the stadium on fire
A fan flees from a fire at Cairo stadium as crowds set parts of the stadium on fire
Egyptian youths are backdropped by a fire which erupted in Cairo Stadium after it was announced a match between Zamalek and Ismaily was cancelled
Egyptian youths are backdropped by a fire which erupted in Cairo Stadium after it was announced a match between Zamalek and Ismaily was cancelled
Invasion: Fans spill onto the pitch in Port Said
Invasion: Fans spill onto the pitch in Port Said
Inferno: A fan flees from the flames in the Cairo Stadium
Inferno: A fan flees from the flames in the Cairo Stadium